3 Things That Can Compromise Your Hydraulic Equipment

Maintaining hydraulic equipment isn't always easy. In addition to investing in routine maintenance, you must be able to protect your hydraulic systems against anything that might cause serious damage.

Here are three things that can compromise the performance of your hydraulic equipment. Be sure that you reach out for professional repairs whenever these detrimental circumstances affect your machinery.

1. Contaminated Hydraulic Fluid

All hydraulic equipment relies on specialized fluid to maintain proper lubrication and create the pressure required for power generation. The quality of the fluid that you are running through your hydraulic equipment will have a direct impact on how well each machine performs over time.

The most common contaminants found in hydraulic fluid are air, water, and foreign particles. These contaminants can cause cavitation and corrosion within hydraulic components.

An experienced mechanic will be able to assess the quality of your hydraulic fluid and make any repairs needed to restore the integrity of your hydraulic system in the event your fluid does become contaminated.

2. Temperature Fluctuations

The internal operating temperature of your hydraulic equipment must stay within very specific parameters. These parameters are determined by the type of hydraulic fluid in use.

Manufacturers design their fluids to achieve peak performance at a certain temperature. If the internal operating temperature in your equipment gets too hot, the fluid will lose some viscosity and could damage integral components.

If the internal operating temperature dips too low, your hydraulic fluid will become thick. Thick fluid puts undue stress on a hydraulic system and can result in premature component failure.

3. Leaks

A hydraulic system must be sealed tightly in order to function properly. Any internal or external leaks that affect your system can result in pressure reductions and the introduction of contaminants into the closed hydraulic system.

It's easy to spot external leaks, but internal leaks are more difficult to find.

An experienced mechanic will be able to complete a full inspection of your hydraulic system to identify the source of any internal leak. These leaks must be repaired immediately to prevent your hydraulic equipment from sustaining any permanent damage.

Both routine maintenance and timely repairs play a critical role in the performance of hydraulic equipment. If you take the time to become familiar with some of the things that can compromise the quality of your hydraulic system, you will be better prepared to address these problems with your mechanic in the future.

Contact a company like Miller Hydraulics Service, Inc to learn more. 
