5 Ways To Avoid Adding Extra Charges To A Dumpster Rental

One of the main benefits of renting a dumpster is that the availability of the dumpster can save the hassle and costs of making multiple runs to a dump or transfer station. The key to getting the most out of dumpster rental services is avoiding any extra fees that get added on to your rental. By planning ahead and being for your rental, you can avoid extra costs and pay the initial fee that you originally selected. Use each of the following five tips for the next time you go to book a dumpster.

Dumpster Delivery Distance

Before a dumpster even arrives on the property, you could find yourself paying extra for fuel surcharges. These costs are typically calculated by the distance from the company and to the drop off point. When researching different dumpster rental companies, you should calculate the exact distance using a variety of mapping services. This helps you select the closest service company and prevents additional delivery charges.

Along with the distance from your property, it's important to see the maximum free delivery distance that a company offers. For example, a company that is 15 miles away may only offer free delivery for the first ten miles, while a company that is 20miles away may cover the first 20 miles. Keep this in mind as you look at different companies and prices.

Dumpster Parking

It's important to be as specific as possible when choosing a location for the dumpster parking. If a dumpster needs to be moved, you will have to pay something known as a hook fee. This fee is charged to pay for the time and service it takes to physically move a dumpster from one spot to another. By planning ahead and choosing a good location, you can avoid the extra fees and have the dumpster exactly where you need it. If you're unsure where to park it, it's a good idea to ask a company for suggestions. They can help explain how the dumpster doors open and the best type of ground to park it on.

Banned Dumpster Materials

Not everything can be thrown into a dumpster. Many companies have a detailed list of prohibited items for the dumpster. If these items are found in your dumpster, you will often have to pay a fee to properly dispose of them. This is why you should request a list of prohibited items for the dumpster that you rent. Examples include old tires, paint cans, and electronics like computers. Once you have the list, you should print it out and post it on the side of the dumpster. This acts as an ideal reminder and will help prevent any extra charges from these items getting placed inside.

Sorting Items

For the items that are allowed in the dumpster, you may be charged a sorting fee if they are not fully organized. For example, some companies may charge a sorting fee for any wood that is mixed in with other items. Prevent the extra fees by sorting out separate materials like wood and metal. Not only can you avoid extra sorting fees, but you can save extra space in the dumpster by keeping things organized. Check with the dumpster company to find out specific details on sorting fees and items you should keep separated.

Extra Days

A typical dumpster rental is allocated for a set amount of days. Fees can be charged when you add extra days to your rental. By planning ahead, you can avoid the need for extra days and get the most out of your dumpster rental. One of the biggest factors in your rental period is the weather. Look at detailed weather reports ahead of time to avoid missing days where you can rent the dumpster. In some cases, you may need to delay your actual rental period until rough weather has passed by.

When booking your dumpster rental online at a site like http://parksandsons.com, ask about the different fees that can be added on. This will help you plan ahead and avoid any unexpected charges.
